Second Update!

date: Sep 28, 2023

Fixed a good chunk of bugs and added a few more

Have changed the css and visuals of the site to be a tad bit more consistent.

Trying to get a good mix of "modern" design priciples mashed together with ye ole geocities style and maybe a smidge of Y2K

Main update 1!!!

date: Sep 22, 2023

All the webpages should be properly constructed and linked now.

Also these news sections are going to be sparce since Im legitimately unsure as to what I should consider worthy of a news update

So im going to focus on big visual and technical changes here rather than a list of every single tiny change to the site as it goes on

But yeah, for the first news update it feels good to say that what is essencially the 'MVP' version of my website is complete!!




Here is a list of know website errors posted for the sake of everyones amusement

  • I NEED BETTER FONTS!!! despite it being easier to mark as a project its staying a bug because of the amount of grief ive had in trying to make. fonts. just. fucking. work. PLEASE
  • Footer has more height to it than what is being aimed for given the font is so got damnb small.
  • "booting" page is redirecting so fast that it cannot be viewed. For what its supposed to be this should not be the case
  • less a bug and more an OOPS, overwrote the bugs page, and a few other pages, with an older version so now a few things are out of date
  • 404 page still broken, I know what happened to it now and Im still leaving it for now cause its funny. it was a victim of the accedental page overwrite and got overwritten with a blank page and so it is.......... blank.... double oops

    Font linking fixed!!!!!! just needed to fix a few css links or something, tbh im not really sure how this one got fixed......

  • font embedding is not working, using all sugesseted and researched methods has not worked
  • font embedding is KINDA working, for somw god forsaken reason the gallery page is not using the right font but it is no longer using times new roman! I do not know where the new font its using came frome however...
  • Easy fix! apparently just needed to set body margin to 0 and that solved it!

  • navbar is not properly spanning the full length of the screen like the footer is
  • Same fix as navbar. Got 2 birds with 1 stone with that one!

  • header wont format to the left properly, hacked up meathod im using to 'fix' it seems to work for now, still marking as bug

    things I want to add AND change about the site

  • restylize the header section to match my styleguide
  • make custom UI and background
  • add proper social media linking, in the meantime if you need to find me elsewhere I am ArrowGriffon on tumblr
  • omg nearly forgot that I need to also fix up the homepage so its less empty, opps

    says enough in the title

  • draw out more inked beast sketches
  • add more art to the gallery
  • ??? PROJECT

  • polish out the 'story' aspect
  • finalize what medium is going to be used
  • finalize a timeframe and average budget of project
  • finish draft 1

  • better polish the style guide to be more consistent
  • get embedded fonts working
  • Webpage audio
  • Neko