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Hello hello!

Thank you for taking the time to check out my "Read Me" aka the about page!

I'm not going to put to much here atm as there is not much to say and I need to figure out what is actually worth putting online ha ha. The most generalized statment I could make about myself atm would probably be that Ive been a chronic online lurker since the early 2010s and possibly sooner. Hard to gauge a specific date and whatnot, I did grow up with dialup however, to help put a bit of a timeframe on things. Anyway, Im hoping to make this website into a general showcase of interests I have and a bit of a work shocase as well. Currently things are quite the wip as I relearn how the hell html and css work, given I will admit I did not do fantastic on my webdesign course in college. In the meantime a lot of things on this site will be placeholders and prone to change, since "graphic design is my passion" and I am very fickle in how things im passionate about turn out visualy. Its the ever changing whims and woes of being a graphic designer.

This page will also eventually work as a credits document of sorts that shocases where I have gotten some the the free to use resources I will be using in the design visuals of this site. Im by no means a master of html however so hopefully if anyone visiting is curious the credits page will be enough to help answer any questions. In the meantime however it will be blank of course until those parts are actually well...... MADE

So in the meantime thanks for popping by! its nice to have visitors. Cheers and I hope you have a lovely day.
